
We sell options

February 28th, 2023|

In this article we consider the SALE of options (SELL operation). Of course, we both buy and sell options in order to make a profit on the money we invest. When we buy options, and we covered the [...]

We buy an option. Options. Part 3

February 16th, 2023|

Now let's look at the options that our company works with. You will receive recommendations to buy or sell these financial instruments from us quite often. WE BUY PUT and CALL options When we BUY an option, we [...]

Options. Part 1. Introduction options

January 28th, 2023|

Why do we work with options? The vast majority of traders trade in the exchange markets, be it stocks, SFDs (margin-covered contracts for differences) on various financial instruments, or Forex, where our company carries out 70 percent of [...]

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